Withdrawal Policy

1. Withdrawal Procedure: Authors wishing to withdraw their submitted manuscripts from consideration by the "Law Research Journal" must adhere to the following procedure:

a. A written request for withdrawal must be sent to the editorial office via email.

b. The withdrawal request should include the title of the manuscript, the names of all authors, the reason for withdrawal, and the date of the request.

2. Withdrawal Timeline: Withdrawal requests can be made at any stage of the manuscript review process. However, it is essential to note the following timeline considerations:

a. If a manuscript is withdrawn before the commencement of the peer review process, the withdrawal will be processed promptly.

b. If a manuscript is withdrawn after peer review has begun or has been completed, the withdrawal request will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. The decision to allow withdrawal will depend on the circumstances and the impact on the review process.

3. Fee for Withdrawal: The "Law Research Journal" reserves the right to charge a withdrawal fee to cover administrative costs associated with the processing of withdrawn manuscripts. The withdrawal fee will be communicated to the author upon receipt of the withdrawal request.

4. Publication Charges: Authors are reminded that the withdrawal of a manuscript does not exempt them from any applicable publication charges if the manuscript has already been accepted and is in the publication pipeline.

5. Decision on Withdrawal: The editorial board of the "Law Research Journal" will review each withdrawal request and communicate the decision to the author(s) promptly. The decision will be based on the specific circumstances surrounding the withdrawal and the potential impact on the integrity of the peer review and publication process.

6. Communication of Withdrawal: Once a withdrawal request is approved, the "Law Research Journal" will officially acknowledge the withdrawal in writing to the corresponding author.

7. Changes to Withdrawal Policy: The "Law Research Journal" reserves the right to amend or modify this withdrawal policy. Any changes will be communicated to authors through the journal's website and other appropriate channels.
