Licensing Policy

1. Introduction

This Licensing Policy outlines the terms and conditions under which the "Law Research Journal" (hereinafter referred to as "the Journal") grants licenses to users for the use of its content. By accessing and using any content from the Journal, users agree to comply with this Licensing Policy.

2. License Types

The Journal offers the following types of licenses:

a. Personal License: This license grants individuals the right to access, download, and use the content for personal, non-commercial purposes.

b. Institutional License: This license is designed for educational institutions, libraries, and organizations, allowing them to access, download, and use the content for educational and non-commercial purposes within the institution.

c. Commercial License: This license is for entities or individuals intending to use the content for commercial purposes, including reproduction, distribution, and any other commercial activities.

3. Terms and Conditions

a. Attribution: Users must appropriately credit the Journal as the source of the content when using it. Proper citation should include the title, authors, publication date, and the Journal's name.

b. Non-commercial Use: Personal and Institutional License holders may not use the content for commercial purposes. Commercial License holders are allowed to use the content for commercial purposes within the scope of the license.

c. No Derivative Works: Users may not alter, transform, or build upon the content without explicit permission from the Journal.

d. Distribution: Users are not allowed to distribute the content outside the terms specified in the license agreement.

e. Termination of License: The Journal reserves the right to terminate a user's license if there is a violation of the terms and conditions outlined in this policy.

f. Modifications: The Journal may modify this Licensing Policy at any time, and users are responsible for reviewing the policy periodically.
