
1. Purpose: The Waiver-Eligibility Policy for the Law Research Journal is established to provide guidelines for authors and contributors seeking financial relief from publication fees. The Law Research Journal is committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive academic community, and this policy aims to support authors facing financial constraints.

2. Eligibility Criteria: To be eligible for a waiver of publication fees, authors must meet one or more of the following criteria:

a. Financial Hardship: Authors facing financial constraints that impede their ability to pay the publication fees may apply for a waiver. Documentation supporting the financial hardship may be required.

b. Geographical Representation: Authors from low-income economies, as defined by the World Bank classification, are eligible for a waiver. The Journal seeks to promote global inclusivity in legal scholarship.

c. Underrepresented Voices: Authors from traditionally underrepresented groups in legal academia are encouraged to apply for a waiver. This includes, but is not limited to, individuals from marginalized ethnic, gender, and socioeconomic backgrounds.

3. Application Process: Authors seeking a waiver must submit a formal request at the time of manuscript submission. The request should include a letter explaining the grounds for the waiver, along with any supporting documentation (if applicable).

4. Review and Decision: The Journal's editorial board will review waiver requests in a fair and confidential manner. The decision will be based on the merit of the request and alignment with the eligibility criteria. Authors will be notified of the decision as promptly as possible.

5. Confidentiality: All information provided in the waiver application will be treated with utmost confidentiality. Only the editorial board and individuals involved in the decision-making process will have access to this information.

6. Limitations: a. The Journal reserves the right to limit the number of waivers granted in a given period based on available resources. b. Waivers are applicable only to publication fees and do not cover any other associated costs.

7. Appeal Process: Authors dissatisfied with the waiver decision may submit a written appeal to the editorial board, providing additional information or clarification. The decision of the appeal will be final.

8. Modification of Policy: The Law Research Journal reserves the right to modify this Waiver-Eligibility Policy as deemed necessary. Any changes will be communicated to the authors and posted on the Journal's website.
