Plagiarism Policy

1. Definition of Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the act of presenting someone else's work, ideas, or intellectual property as one's own without proper acknowledgment or citation. This includes, but is not limited to, copying and pasting text from sources without citation, paraphrasing without proper attribution, and submitting someone else's work as one's own.

2. Scope of Applicability: This Plagiarism Policy applies to all contributors, including authors, editors, and reviewers, involved in the "Law Research Journal." The policy encompasses all types of submissions, including articles, case analyses, comments, and any other content published in the journal.

3. Originality and Attribution: All submissions to the "Law Research Journal" must be original works of the authors. Any use of third-party content must be properly attributed, and permission must be obtained if required. Authors are responsible for providing accurate citations for any material, ideas, or data not originally created by them.

4. Review and Editorial Process: Editors and reviewers are instructed to assess the originality of submissions and report any concerns related to plagiarism. The editorial team will use plagiarism detection tools and conduct a thorough review to identify and address any instances of plagiarism.

5. Sanctions for Plagiarism: If plagiarism is identified in a submission, appropriate actions will be taken. This may include, but is not limited to, rejection of the manuscript, withdrawal of the published article, and notification of the plagiarism to the author's affiliated institution. The severity of the action will depend on the extent and nature of the plagiarism.

6. Plagiarism Detection Tools: The "Law Research Journal" may use plagiarism detection tools to screen submissions for potential plagiarism. Authors are advised to ensure the originality of their work before submission and to use proper citation practices.

7. Authorship Responsibility: Authors are collectively responsible for the content of their submissions. Co-authors must be aware of and agree to the content of the manuscript. In cases of multiple authors, each author should contribute significantly to the work and be responsible for the content they contributed.

8. Prevention and Education: The "Law Research Journal" encourages authors, editors, and reviewers to be aware of and adhere to ethical standards regarding plagiarism. Educational resources on proper citation practices and avoiding plagiarism will be made available to contributors.

9. Reporting Plagiarism: Any individual who becomes aware of potential plagiarism in the "Law Research Journal" is encouraged to report it to the editorial team. Reports should include specific details and evidence to facilitate a thorough investigation.

10. Review and Revision of Policy: This Plagiarism Policy is subject to periodic review and may be revised as needed. Amendments will be communicated to all stakeholders, and the updated policy will be made available on the journal's website.
